Harmony at the fig tree

Chandramathi Murugadass
2 min readJun 21, 2022

There was an old large fig tree with branches spread in all directions, providing shelter for a large variety of mammals. There were plenty of animals happily inhabiting it.

There were a few outliers. The mongoose living in the bottom of the tree trunk was unhappy because it thought the squirrel which had a home at the top of the tree was the most privileged. Being in the top meant it was the most important in the woods. But the squirrel was unhappy because it thought mongoose was fortunate to have a home at the bottom of the trunk which meant it didn’t have to make tiring walk up and down the tree several times a day.

There was growing tension between the two so the old macaw suggested that both of them switch their homes for a week and repeat it every alternate week. The squirrel and mongoose agreed and started living in each others home, and believed it was great choice. Quickly things changed awry, a large snake sneaked behind the squirrel and tried to prey on it, the macaw saw the ambush from the sky and dived down and pecked the snake saving the squirrel. A few days later there was a flock of raven that were trying to steal all the fig, the mongoose tried to fend them away in vain. It was badly bruised by the ravens since it wasn’t quick enough to run from them.

After the unfortunate turn out of events two decided to go back to their usual homes and informed the same to the macaw. The macaw then said living in the bottom wasn’t a privilege for the mongoose alone but it was guarding the entire fig tree and its inhabitants from the snake, since it was a master in snake attack. Similarly staying in the top wasn’t a privilege for the squirrel but guarding the fruits and managed to escape on time because it was quick on its feet. We neither give anyone a privilege nor demean anyone we coexist in harmony she said.

